I found this in my email in box a day or so ago. Apparently, Stickers is quite the rage. He’s none too camera shy. Check out the story at the Lone Star Outdoor News and then come back to see all the photos of this magnificent animal.
Tag: Whitetail Deer
Deer Antler Locked, II
Here’s an interested set of photographs showing a whitetail buck that had locked up another buck. The winner of the skirmish apparently had to sit and wait for the other one to die. I wonder how the other one died. It looks a little gnawed on.
The good farmer helps the buck out. The last photos shows the deer to be a little dazed by the whole ordeal.
I wonder where this happened? By the terrain I’d say in the mid-west US somewhere. I wish I knew the story behind this remarkable set of photos.
Anyone know the details?
Check out the similar stories. This one is another whitetail buck horn-to-horn lock up and this is Elk bucks locked horn-to-horn.
Whitetail Buck with Horn in Nasal Cavity
Here’s another interesting set of photos.
In the first photo notice the bulge under and to the left of the deer’s eye out between the nose and the eye. (left eye)
On the second picture, the bulge is more noticeable and you can see what appears to be a wound in front of the deer’s right eye.
Look at the third picture; this explains it all.
I guess you could say this was a “nine pointer”.
I don’t know if this buck got the doe, but she wasn’t worth it.