Importance of paying attention

Here’s a few photos of what can happen when you don’t pay attention to what your doing.  This poor fellow forgot something when he was sighting in his new rifle.  See if you can guess what it is?

Flared rifle end from not removing a laser bore site
Flared rifle end from not removing a laser bore site
Flared rifle end from not removing a laser bore site
Flared rifle end from not removing a laser bore site
Flared rifle end from not removing a laser bore site
Flared rifle end from not removing a laser bore site
Poor fellow that forgot to remove the bore site.
Poor fellow that forgot to remove the bore site.
The laser rifle bore site that wasn't removed.
The laser rifle bore site that wasn't removed.


7 responses to “Importance of paying attention”

  1. colton

    did he live? What cal. was it?


  2. bradon


  3. Snake Man

    With the exception of the guy on the stretcher, these are pictures from an episode of MythBusters.

  4. […] forget about the guy that wasn’t paying attention when he was sighting in his rifle. Guy shoots himself in the foot and takes a picture of it. This […]

  5. […] Seems like we’ve covered this before on this blog.  Oh yeah, here it is. […]

  6. Big Ouch!! Maybe he should have payed more attention in gun safety class. Just like for driving maybe people should need a class on the firearms they purchase.

  7. Hunter

    Hey snake man you need a helmet or something Because it seems you are too stupid too realize that its not mythbusters its a guy that forgot too clean his barrel.

    Anyway what caliber is it?