Nearsighted Moose Mounts a Bison Statue (NSFW)

I don’t know what to say about this, actually.

Nearsighted Moose Mounts a Bison Statue

Nearsighted Moose Mounts a Bison Statue

Nearsighted Moose Mounts a Bison Statue

Nearsighted Moose Mounts a Bison Statue


4 responses to “Nearsighted Moose Mounts a Bison Statue (NSFW)”

  1. […] il se trouve que, par exemple, les élans aiment bien se faire des bisons. C’est comme çà. On a des preuves. Et çà on ne pouvait pas le prévoir. Alors vous cherchez dans votre petite mémoire, et vous […]

    English (Maybe):

    “[…] It turns out that, for example, the elk like to be bison. It’s like here. It was evidence. And here we could not have foreseen. Then you look in your little memory, and you […]”

    Someone help me out here…

  2. […] they have other things in mind when they see a lifelike statue. Check out this moose. Check out dead buck in the background (function() {var s = document.createElement('SCRIPT'), s1 = […]

  3. Lobi

    He, he, testosterone does funny things to males of all species.
    In the first pic he is talking a lil sniff. I wonder if someone put a little scent on that statue.

  4. Admin

    Statutory rape or monumental misunderstanding?