I don’t know if this is photo shopped or not but apparently the State of New Jersey wildlife officials are looking for it. See article here.

I don’t know if this is photo shopped or not but apparently the State of New Jersey wildlife officials are looking for it. See article here.
Feeding frenzy of sharks gnoshing on a whale carcass. This was caught on camera by surfer babe Rachel Campbell.
In describing the incident on her blog on BillabongGirls.com, Campbell remarked:
“I was collecting shells along the beach with my mum. Searching the white sand while crystal water lapped at my ankles, I was shocked to find my worst nightmare dominating the shoreline a mere 400m ahead… Picture about thirty sharks, most of which seemed to be tiger sharks, all destroying a whale laying only a few feet from the shore. The nightmare part was the mass of sharks devouring the one victim.”
This is one large Croc! He’s apparently being relocated. Read more here.
This is a photo of a wonderful little creature from Indonesian that looks like a flying dragon. It’s some type of Lizard. Flying Dragons grow to a little less than 12 inches in length. See more here.