Here’s a couple of photos of some deer looking for corn under a flooded deer feeder. I guess they were so used to being fed here every night.
Category: Spectacular Photos
Bird Dog Caught in the Act
At first glance when Dave sent this to me I didn’t understand why he thought this photo of his German Shorthaired Pointer “Kirby” was noteworthy. It took me a while to notice that he had something caught in his teeth. This is what I call a real bird dog.
It reminds me of a witticism my granddad used to say. When asked what was for dinner he would reply “Bird Dog Stew”. It took me a while to understand why that was humorous. I guessed later in life, after he passed, that it referred to a what would be for dinner if you or, maybe more to the point, your bird dog didn’t have a very fruitful hunting experience.
Apparently, Kirby is quite the backyard hunter. Known to chase, catch and eat squirrels, too.
Whitetail Buck with Horn in Nasal Cavity
Here’s another interesting set of photos.
In the first photo notice the bulge under and to the left of the deer’s eye out between the nose and the eye. (left eye)
On the second picture, the bulge is more noticeable and you can see what appears to be a wound in front of the deer’s right eye.
Look at the third picture; this explains it all.
I guess you could say this was a “nine pointer”.
I don’t know if this buck got the doe, but she wasn’t worth it.
White Moose sean near Park City, Utah
This email came to me today. Spectacular photos of a white moose seen near Park City, Utah. I understand that the coloration is quite normal. I don’t know how rare it is to see a white moose. But, apparently, these are not considered albino.
McAllen Ranch Buck
A totally wild buck was shot in a low fence pasture!
This could be the biggest buck in Texas so far this year. It was entered in Los Cazadores and whether it is really the biggest buck in Texas is yet to be known. It is a 235 gross non-typical, 179 typical, 18.5″ inside spread and its G1’s are over 10″. It is approximately 6.5 to 7.5 years of age.
It was seen last year and was thought to be around 180 B & C. Apparently a little protein did him right!