Wow. These are really cool photos of a snake consuming a monitor lizard. Reportedly in Arizona.
Category: Snakes
A Snake having Lunch Roadside in Arizona
From my email “These pictures were taken by one of the the road crew at Cloudbreak, Arizona last week. It took a total of 5 hours for the snake to finish off the Goanna (Sand Monitor). As you can see, they put some signage up so it wouldn’t be run over.” -
Huge Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
Get a gander at this huge eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Reportedly the largest ever recorded.
HUGE! Another view of this beast Wow. It’s hard to tell from the photos if they killed this sucker. It would be a shame to kill such a magnificent creature. Although, I usually follow the philosophy that the only good snake is a dead snake — you know — the kind you see in jars of formaldehyde.
I’d like to to see the rattle on this one. Anyone have additional photos?
Woodpecker vs Snake
This one has been around awhile now. I’ve seen it come to my inbox via email numerous times. Still, it is an amazing video of the tenacious defense of a nest by a woodpecker.
The last time this came to me it was noted that the woodpecker was a “Mexican” woodpecker. I don’t know what that is. It appears to me that this is a common Pileated Woodpecker that makes it’s home all over the United States.
Humongous Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
I wonder if your snake-proof boots would stop a monster western diamondback rattlesnake of this size. Something tells me, no. This sucker would probably strike you in the thigh. I wonder how many wouldn’t wet their pants when running across this giant. Seems I recall that you can tell the age (in years?) of a rattle snake by counting the number of rattle segment on it’s tail — something related to how many times it sheds its skin. Any herpetologists out there? I count 14 segments. Very impressive, no doubt.
I hope the hunter had the common courtesy of mounting its hide and consuming its flesh after killing such a beautiful specimen.
Maybe it's just perspective? Paralax from the camera lens? Maybe it’s blown out of proportion due to the camera lens. Kind of like when you catch a fish and you want your picture taken. You hold the fish as far out in fron of you as possible to make it look bigger. I’ve heard that, anyway. Ahem.
Maybe he’s holding it that far out in front of becuase he’s not 100% convinved it’s dead…