A giant King Cobra recently wondered into the city in search of water. Someone helped him.
A giant King Cobra recently wondered into the city in search of water. Someone helped him.
South Florida is looking for Python Hunters to rid the southern tip of Florida of the pesky beasts.
From the article: “…the South Florida Water Management District will consider a proposal to hire hunters, paying them by the hour, plus a bonus for every snake killed, as part of a two-month, $175,000 pilot project. Hunters would patrol only district land in Miami-Dade County, which includes the vast water conservation area where remote tree islands offer hiding places perfectly suited for the well-camouflaged snakes.”
Pat Long and his son in a blind to hunt hogs near Midway when this guy poked his head in! Pat’s son shot the snake… it’s 9’6″ long… with 22 rattles, the head more than five inches wide, the fangs 2.5″ long. Anybody going for a walk in the woods this weekend?
Remember, they were sitting in a hog blind when this fellow slithered in, and said “Howdy Pardner!”
Here’s a video of a snake that apparently started out in the cargo hold of the plane but worked his way out onto the wing. It didn’t end well for the snake. It had to endure -12c temps and winds up to 400 km/hr.
The report claims it is a 3 meter snake. It’s hard to tell from the video.
See the story here.