[WINDOWSMEDIA https://outdooroddities.com/outdooroddities.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/SquirrelRelocater.wmv 320 240 false true]
Category: Just plain odd
Piglet stuck in a steer’s rear
Here’s a nice picture of how nature works. It’s a well known fact that feral pigs have become a nuisance all over the country. And, a little known fact is that pigs are omnivorous. After seeing the episode Mike Rowe did on Dirty Jobs where he followed the guy that raised hogs and fed them left overs from Las Vegas casinos, basically, they’ll eat just about anything.
This one apparently was dining on the innards of a downed longhorn steer. Here’s the text from the email I received.
“Seems the old longhorn steer they had got sick, he had to shoot it. Thanksgiving he was back up there and found a pig stuck in the butt-hole. He took a picture of it, the camera noise startled the pig. He then struggled and broke the butt-hold and took off into the woods.”
Keep those cards and letters coming.
Piglet stuck in a steers butt