[WINDOWSMEDIA https://outdooroddities.com/outdooroddities.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/SquirrelRelocater.wmv 320 240 false true]
Category: Just Interesting
Humongous Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
I wonder if your snake-proof boots would stop a monster western diamondback rattlesnake of this size. Something tells me, no. This sucker would probably strike you in the thigh. I wonder how many wouldn’t wet their pants when running across this giant. Seems I recall that you can tell the age (in years?) of a rattle snake by counting the number of rattle segment on it’s tail — something related to how many times it sheds its skin. Any herpetologists out there? I count 14 segments. Very impressive, no doubt.
I hope the hunter had the common courtesy of mounting its hide and consuming its flesh after killing such a beautiful specimen.
Maybe it's just perspective? Paralax from the camera lens? Maybe it’s blown out of proportion due to the camera lens. Kind of like when you catch a fish and you want your picture taken. You hold the fish as far out in fron of you as possible to make it look bigger. I’ve heard that, anyway. Ahem.
Maybe he’s holding it that far out in front of becuase he’s not 100% convinved it’s dead…
Ram hit by a new Chevrolet Pickup Truck
This puts a new spin on the old Ram vs Chevy argument.
Ram hit by a new Chevrolet pickup truck Ram hit by a new Chevrolet pickup truck. Poor thing never had a chance. Just goes to show the kind of damage running into a large animal can cause a vehicle.
For a much more graphic depiction, view this. Caution, this is not for the week of stomach.
[googlevideo:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2381763873850221059&hl=en] -
Huge Cat (Mountain Lion) killed near Swensen, Texas
Look at what James Snipe hit with his car on county road 328 north of Swenson Texas in Stonewall County. The lion was still alive but unable to move, so our neighbor called animal control and they came and put him down. A land owner had seen this one a week before dragging off a 320 lb steer. Our neighbor is an amateur taxidermist and he’s going to stuff him. This one weighed 260 lbs. while most mature males mountain lions weigh 80 to 150 lbs. We had no idea they still roamed around here!
Huge Cat — Mountain Lion Another view of the huge mountain lion taken near Swensen, Texas But wait! This may not be an oddity so much as a hoax. Check this out.
The truth:
The mountain lion displayed above was hit by a Ford F350 truck on Highway 64 in northern Arizona (about halfway between Williams and Valle) in November or December 2007. The couple driving the truck pulled over and found the lion under a tree, still alive but beyond rehabilitation, so they called 911 and ultimately an officer from the state’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) was sent to put the big cat down.
Although the large mountain lion was not weighed at the scene, it took three men to lift the animal, whose weight was estimated by those present at about 200-220 pounds. (Adult male mountain lions typically weigh in the range of 80 to 150 pounds). The animal’s paw was about 8 inches across, and the lion measured over 7 feet from head to tail.
Jason Ellico, the DPS officer who responded to the call, also happens to be a taxidermist and offered to skin the lion. It is he who is shown posing with the lion in the pictures above.
Snopes has a good explanation on the truth of this but, wow.