Who knew Elephants were as playful as kittens? Here’s another example of an elephant playing.

Elephants are incredible animals. Very intelligent and playful. Here’s a video of a juvenile Asian elephant having fun sliding down a hill.
Fun fact: Did you know that elephants can be left or right tusked? Just like you are left or right handed an elephant favors one or the other tusk.
Another story on Elephants. No more forests in India? Its causing wild Elephants (and Tigers) to live very close to humans. When you reduce the natural food supply of the wild animals, they start looking at humans, instead of for food, as food.
Check out the ABCNews video here.
The theme of the story? Humans don’t pose very much resistance.
Interesting look at what happens to an elephant carcass after death. This video shows a number of scavengers partake in a little snacking after the elephant dies. Sometimes DAYS after the elephant dies. Not for the faint-of-heart.