Was this Donkey run over by the Google Street View car? It looks like the poor animal was struck and is struggling on the ground. But, as Google explains, it didn’t happen that way.
Was this Donkey run over by the Google Street View car? It looks like the poor animal was struck and is struggling on the ground. But, as Google explains, it didn’t happen that way.
Here’s a video of a snake that apparently started out in the cargo hold of the plane but worked his way out onto the wing. It didn’t end well for the snake. It had to endure -12c temps and winds up to 400 km/hr.
The report claims it is a 3 meter snake. It’s hard to tell from the video.
See the story here.
This video shows a man using his hand as bait. He’s trying to lure a Tarpon to snare his hand and then he can pull it out of the water. I’m not sure he was expecting a Tarpon of this size and one that grabbed his whole arm. He effectively kills the Tarpon once he shoves his other hand through the giant fish’s gills and out its mouth. Obviously, the fish won this battle but I don’t believe that Tarpon will survive the experience.
File this one under “Stupid Human Tricks”