Here’s another example that you should pay attention when handling firearms.
OK. the pictures are gross. But, they’re curious as well. It looks like he took these pictures at home. Like, he didn’t immediately seek medical attention for the injury. He cleaned the wound himself, I guess, as there’s no blood. It also looks like he took the pictures himself right after the injury. I’m not sure I wouldn’t be still hopping around in anger and pain to this day…
How do you have the thought process to sit down and take an camera phone picture before heading to the emergency room — if that’s where he indeed headed.
Probably embarrassed himself to the point of just dealing with it in solitude.
Very odd.
Don’t forget about the guy that wasn’t paying attention when he was sighting in his rifle.
Guy shoots himself in the foot and takes a picture of it. This is a photo of his shoe.Guy shoots himself in the foot and takes a picture of it. This is a photo of the meat missing from his toes. I see bone!