Here’s a cool video of a couple of whitetail bucks fighting. The unique part of the viseo is that they manage to maintain standing on two legs for such an extended length of time.
Author: Joe Beitler
Beautiful Deer taken in Mexico
Here’s a series of photos of monster Coahuila deer taken in Mexico. These were sent to me via email. They were probably taken off an outfitter’s website. If you know any details, please share in the comments section.
Playful Deer on the South Fork of the Snake River
Don’t you just love nature? Not something you see too often out here.
Scott Nelson and his Sons were fishing Saturday when this small Whitetail fawn approached them on the South fork of the Snake River. It must have spent the summer bumming from campers or maybe one the home owners in the lower canyon was feeding it so it lost its fear of humans.
This is without question the “Catch of the Year”.
3 Legged Bear Walks Upright
Here’s a neat video of a black bear that is missing a front leg. She (assumed because of the cub nearby) manages to get around by walking upright on two legs.