Proof positive that men should never be allowed to pick their own wedding cake. Although, I don’t see anything particularly wrong with these examples.

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Contender for the Toughest Buck Award…..
This deer had some very uncomfortable days until he was harvested by this hunter. It is obvious that there was a fight during the rut and this deer ended up with an extra antler (embedded below the eye). You can see that the antler from the attacking deer was broke off below the base of the antler as there is still blood on the pedicel. That takes a tremendous amount of pressure. Pretty amazing.
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These pictures are making their way around the inter-tubes recently. Pretty cool pics of three bucks in Ohio that antler locked and ended up drowning.
See more pics of at Field & Stream
Everyone finds this so amazing when in reality triple lockups happen quite often. See this post.
Also, whitetail bucks locking up and then drowning is not so rare either. Check this out.
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Here’s a great video of Elk battling in the middle of the Madison river in Yellowstone National Park.
Sometimes, it gets real cold in Yellowstone National Park. When it does, this can happen.
It is not common for a Koala to have twins, and regrettably in this instance the Mum was struck and killed by a passing car. Fortunately, the driver stopped, and took the mother to the local vet, not knowing she was dead, – where it was discovered she had these twins in her pouch.
Here’s a set up photos that show their maturation. In the first photo the tiny koala is being fed with syringe … sooo tiny!!
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