Paddleboarders film Great Whites

I find this video odd for a couple of reasons.  First, the fact that these somewhat juvenile Great White sharks are swimming so close to the shore.  And, that there appears to be 3 of them swimming together.  I always understood Great Whites to be solitary hunters.  Second, I think it is odd that the filmers don’t seem to be too concerned at the fact that the sharks are investigating them as a potential food source.  

Apparently, spotting sharks just yards off the shore of the El Porto section of Manhattan Beach is quite a common event.

I also find it interesting that this video and story has been on the internet for about 6 weeks now but, it is just now starting to trend upwards in interest.  Sometimes, interesting videos like this take a while before the ground swell of interest grows to the point of being “viral”.  I’m just doing my part.  True to the importance of wording and/or tagging a video, this one is described as “Shark Photobombing”.  

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