Labrador Retrievers are great animals and make wonderful pets. They are very curious and unafraid of most other animals. To a domesticated Lab, every stranger or everything is a friend they haven’t made, yet. This Yellow Labrador Retriever apparently takes frequent morning swims with a local dolphin. The dolphin hangs out in the boat basin waiting for the trawlers to make their way out to sea each morning for their daily catch. As the dolphin waits the Lab plays. Very cute.
Month: February 2011
Why They Carry Guns In Alaska
Here’s a look at the dangers of living in the back woods of Alaska. This is the story as it came to me.
Have I got a story for you guys!
King season is over, and since I had a day off before silvers start, I thought I would go for a walk! This occurred at 11:16 am this morning (Sunday), just 2/10 of a mile from my house, ON OUR ROAD while walking my dogs (trying to get in shape for hunting season, ironically!) for the record, this is in a residential area-not back in the woods, no bow hunting, no stealth occurring…
I heard a twig snap, and looked back…full on charge-a huge brownie, ears back, head low and motorin’ full speed! Came with zero warning; no woof, no popping of the teeth, no standing up, nothing like what you think or see on TV! It charged from less than 20 yards and was on me in about one-second! Totally surreal. I just started shooting in the general direction, and praise God that my second shot (or was it my third?) rolled him at 5 feet and he skidded to a stop 10 feet BEYOND where I was shooting from. I actually sidestepped him and fell over backwards on the last shot, and his momentum carried him to a stop past where I fired my first shot!
It was a prehistoric old boar-no teeth, no fat-weighed between 900-1000 lbs and took five men to DRAG it onto a tilt-bed trailer! Big bear. Its Paw measured out at about a 9 1/2 footer!
Never ever thought “it” would happen to me! It’s always some other smuck, right?
Well, no bull. I am still high on adrenaline, with my gut in a Knot. Feels like I did 10000 crunches without stopping! Almost puked for an hour after, had the burps and couldn’t even stand up as the troopers conducted their investigation! Totally wiped me out-cant even put that feeling into words, by far the most emotion I have ever felt at once!
No doubt that God was with me, as I brought my Ruger .454 Casull (and some “hot” 350 grain solids) just for the heck of it, and managed to draw and snap shoot (pointed, never even aimed!) from the hip! Total luck shot!
All I can say is Praise God for my safety and for choosing to leave the wife and kids at home on this walk! Got a charter tomorrow, so gonna TRY to get some sleep now!
Talk to ya soon,
Greg & Sherri
Soldotna , AK 99669
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Baby Moose
Cute factor is HIGH today. Someone found a baby moose.
You don’t see a baby moose every day. A baby moose was in distress in a creek. A man got him out of the creek; tried to find the mother and send him on his way, but eventually the moose stumbled back into the creek and was rescued again.
The baby moose followed the man home. The man has only a small cabin so he took the moose to another neighbor, who took these photos. They took the moose the next day to a woman who looks after wild animals and she put it in a pen with a rescued fawn.
Not sure of the eventual out come. Not sure you’d want to keep one of these around very long. I’ve heard they are very aggressive as mature bulls.
Have you seen this monster bull moose?
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You don’t see a baby moose every day. A baby moose was in distress in a creek. A man got him out of the creek; tried to find the mother and send him on his way, but eventually the moose stumbled back into the creek and was rescued again.The baby moose followed the man home. The man has only a small cabin so he took the moose to another neighbor, who took these photos. They took the moose the next day to a woman who looks after wild animals and she put it in a pen with a rescued fawn.You don’t see a baby moose every day. A baby moose was in distress in a creek. A man got him out of the creek; tried to find the mother and send him on his way, but eventually the moose stumbled back into the creek and was rescued again.The baby moose followed the man home. The man has only a small cabin so he took the moose to another neighbor, who took these photos. They took the moose the next day to a woman who looks after wild animals and she put it in a pen with a rescued fawn.
Hunter Shoots ‘Unusually Large’ Animal
Seen a big ole “coyote” like this one? The shooter thought it was a wolf. Take a look and see what you think.
Here’s the story.
Wolf or Coyote? -
Man-Eating Elephants in India?
Another story on Elephants. No more forests in India? Its causing wild Elephants (and Tigers) to live very close to humans. When you reduce the natural food supply of the wild animals, they start looking at humans, instead of for food, as food.
Check out the ABCNews video here.
The theme of the story? Humans don’t pose very much resistance.
Villagers get a rare chance to kill an Elephant