White Deer of Wisconsin

Wisconsin Public Television did a great job of telling the story of a large herd of white, or albino, deer that live in northern Wisconsin.  Take a look.


3 responses to “White Deer of Wisconsin”

  1. AdamM

    This is really dumb. I don’t understand what research has been done, anyone with any logic, or knowledge on genetecs should understand what is happening.
    The reason why there are more white deer in this area is because like they said there are laws protecting them. The less white deer being killed the more white deer adding their genes to the population. It is a recessive trait, that is why there are some white and brown in the same family.
    Hundreds of years ago, especially if there is a large Native American population, whom usually would not kill a white animal, is why they have been around for so long.
    The more Albino animals in a single area or population, the more likely there are to be more… simple as that.

  2. Julie Brantley

    Albinos cannot reproduce – people or deer.
    THAT is why they are such a curiosity!

  3. A.J.

    I’m afraid you’ve got you science mixed up. Albinos human and otherwise are NOT sterile. That is an urban myth. The reason there is such a low number of albino animals in the wild is because they lack the natural defense of camouflage and as such fall victim to predators much more often when they are young, therby not living long enough to breed.