Playful Deer on the South Fork of the Snake River

Don’t you just love nature? Not something you see too often out here.

Scott Nelson and his Sons were fishing Saturday when this small Whitetail fawn approached them on the South fork of the Snake River. It must have spent the summer bumming from campers or maybe one the home owners in the lower canyon was feeding it so it lost its fear of humans.

This is without question the “Catch of the Year”.


3 responses to “Playful Deer on the South Fork of the Snake River”

  1. admin

    Well, these are not my images and I hold no copyright over them nor know those, if any, that do. It’s not my right to grant permission to publish nor deny.

  2. Sandra Buell

    Run Deer Run, stay away from humans! Some Moron Hunter is gonna come by and shoot you down!

  3. hunter

    run anti run so u dont ruin our hunting rights in america šŸ™‚