White Black Bear

Here’s a cool story that came to me recently:

“Jake Sweeney first thought he was looking at a mountain goat while hunting up the North Fork last Friday.

But he looked a closer and then a little closer and realized, there’s no goats in this area.

That’s a bear.

It was a bear all right. An albino black bear. Sweeney, a senior at Columbia Falls high school said he watched the bear for several minutes with hunting companions Jeremy Terillion and Elynden Gravelin to make sure it wasn’t a grizzly.

And then he pulled the trigger.

The bear dropped and was dead.

It took him two days, with the help of Terillion and Gravelin to haul the bear out of the woods. The bruin was just about blind, Sweeney said. He noted that the bear never really saw them.

They were hunting a ridge looking out over a clearing where they had seen some other bears when the albino popped out of a clearing about 114 yards away.

Albino animals out in the woods aren’t entirely uncommon, said Jim Williams, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Region One wildlife manager. He said the female bear was about 2 years old, though they won’t know exactly until they get data back on the bear’s tooth.

Albinism is simply a genetic mutation, Williams explained. Black bears normally come in a variety of colors.

Thanks, Hunter.


9 responses to “White Black Bear”

  1. Skyler

    What pricks. Should pull the trigger on these f*ckers.

  2. Your post was very interestingt!!!

  3. Hunters=Dirt

    They should put you hunters in a
    forest full of animals and then hunt you down.
    PS: All three of you are superugly

  4. s

    u do realize that the “white black bears” are actually called spirit bears and are endangered. so its eleagal to hunt them.

  5. Jesseca

    Look at how younge that bear is. This is discusting!
    All black bears have bad eye sight.
    If your going to hunt know all you can about the poor animal you are targeting or dont hunt at all!
    These boys are horrible. That poor Spirit Bear.

  6. J


  7. vicky

    That’s disgusting. How would you like it if a bear came along and killed one of your family? You’d be hurt and distraught, exactly how the mother of that young bear felt when it didn’t return. I hope you grow up one day, develop some compassion for our plant and realize the beautiful creature you just killed was for nothing.

  8. Tania

    I would feel very ashamed if you were my sons. Man does NOT have dominion over the animals and birds.

  9. Piquerish

    The spirit bear (Kermode bear) is revered and even protected by native peoples and if it is not a crime to kill one in a blood sport, it ought to be. This particular animal seems scarcely larger than a big dog. Not putting down hunters, but there is nothing to be proud of here. Only sadness.