Black Whitetail

Huh?  That’s correct.  A BLACK Whitetail.

OK, this animal has a condition named melanism.  Melanism is the opposite of albinism.  Where albinism is a condition where the animals has less pigmentation,  melanism is an condition where the animal has excess pigmentation or melanin.

Here are some posts of some beautiful albino animals including twin deer.

black whitetail deer buck
Black Whitetail

Thanks, Hunter.


8 responses to “Black Whitetail”

  1. Hi there,
    Super post, Need to mark it on Digg

  2. […] Albino category on the left for even more wonderful animals that have Albinism — or even a BLACK Whitetail… [Show as slideshow] [View with […]

  3. AdamM

    Too bad it was killed, a very beautiful animal. Would love to see more of them running around.

  4. Joyce M

    Awfully selfish to kill such a rare and beauiful creature so noone else will ever see it runnung around. Shame on you!

  5. Logan Kidder

    Great trophy that takes alot of luck to run into something like that in the woods

  6. unkown

    amazing kill never see that again

  7. fra

    Beautiful and rare, so kill it. How disgusting!

  8. […] is a picture of a rare Black Whitetail deer Share this:FacebookPrintEmailShareRedditStumbleUponDigg google_ad_client = […]