Monster Moose

OK, I’m from the Houston, Texas area and we revel in large things like Monster Cockroaches.  We have no concept of whether this is a large or average bull moose.  However, if these photos are not ‘shopped then the scale of this animal would indicate it is HUGE! 

Here’s the text in the email that was sent to me: 

By the length of his beard and the grey legs, I figure he must be over 10 years old.  He looks to be well over 8 feet at the top of the shoulder hump, and with his head up the height to the top of his antler must be about 12 feet.  This guy is king of the forest, no bear or pack of wolves would dare come after him when he has this rack.  Considering that a dirt road can fit 1 1/2 cars across, this fellow is HUGE.  THIS IS ONE BIG BOY!

THE PICTURE WASTAKEN IN ELLIOT LAKE (Elliot Lake is near Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan)

Yes it is a regular size dirt road.

Humongous Moose
Huge Bull Moose
Humongous Moose
Huge Bull Moose


14 responses to “Monster Moose”

  1. hunter

    that is sooooooooo photoshoped that i forgot to laugh

  2. Animal protector

    That can’t be real? but if it is im realy shocked i hope no 1 shot it im sooooo against hunting i mean this magnificent animal has grown 2 this size n is proud of it n jesus people who want to shoot these marvals of nature are sick fucking bastards!!!!!

  3. AZhunter1

    Cough….Cough….anyone have a cough drop I think I might be getting sick….but I’m not into bastards so I will pass on fucking them…

  4. QuackinAK

    That is a real moose, a big one sure, but not a freak of nature by any means. Moose are big animals. I don’t know about you 8 foot at the shoulder estimate, since it is hard to judge scale in this photo, and there are many forest roads out there that are little more than a dirt track, judging by the ruts, this appears to be such a road. With that said it is not unusual for a large Bull Moose to be around 6-7 feet tall at the shoulder.

  5. steve cote

    this mooose is real and i have seen moose this size. it looks atleast 9-11 years old. i dont see why people wouldnt believe it to be real when there have been bigger moose spotted, photographed and shot. ask any hunter wuts up.

  6. precision bow hunter

    its real. people are stupid and dont know shit. there are other pictures of this moose on the internet from different angles. this moose has also been spoted in other parts of michigan so yeah eat it. ill find this baby

  7. […] you seen this monster bull moose? [Show as slideshow] […]

  8. emile

    there aren’t many moose in MI and I would doubt one of the few would get that big,even though they can be really huge and there would be more of a chance of the giants in higher populations…and yes that picture is obviously faked

  9. broncobob

    Okay for all of those who say this is a real photo look at the sun light around the trees and on the moose. IT IS SOOOOO FAKE!

  10. tue.artist

    As a digital artist and someone who works almost everday in Photoshop, and as a photographer with a lot of experience with animals, I am extremely confident in saying that these are real photos and are not faked. The ambient light projected on the animal is accurate and realistic in relationship to the environment. And there are TWO photos – same colorization, and light patterns changing obviously in association with the animals shadow. There are many small details in these photos that would be very difficult to achieve without it being done by someone with very good photo restoration skills. And who would go through that much work to fake a couple pictures of a large moose?

  11. Skeptical

    This is a large moose on an ATV trail. Its not 8 feet at the shoulders, try 6.

  12. SStine

    As an experienced photo editor, I have to say, I don’t think this is shopped. But I do question the alive status of this animal in this picture. It looks to me as thou the stance is exactly the same in both pictures. It makes me wonder of this isn’t really a taxidermy mount that’s been placed and photographed. It’s still a large animal!

  13. TheLucidNight

    This photo is photo-shopped, the sun light is not hitting the moose correctly, and he doesn’t cast a shadow. Even if it looks like he cant there should be a few spots that have a shadow.

  14. emily

    the moose is in the exact same pose both times. hmmm.