Three Whitetail Bucks Locked Up

Here are some dramatic photos of three whitetail bucks locked up antler-to-antler.

Heck of a scruffle.
Heck of a scruffle.


One more look.
One more look.
Wow, no clear winner here.
Wow, no clear winner here.


9 responses to “Three Whitetail Bucks Locked Up”

  1. mike

    wow hard way to go nature can be cruel awesome find tho

  2. bob

    this is a fake. those three deer were obviously shot then put together. Three deer never will fight… if two fight, the other goes to the doe.

  3. jordan

    obviously fake. third photo one of there tongues is hanging out. happens sometimes after deer are shot and killed

  4. Cord

    ok both you guys are fricken idiots when a deer is exhausted they will stick their tongue out and theres no fricken bullet holes anywhere on any of the bucks so im pretty sure its not fake you idoits so get your dang facts straight before you talk crap!!!!

  5. jordan

    ok yes i did remember i am wrong about the tongue being out. they do do that when tired or after a long battle or run. but do you see the other side of the deer? no so how do you kno they werent shot. it is possible they werent but highly unlikely. so you make sure your facts are correct to before saying things. could easily be bullet holes on the other side

  6. no-name13

    Ok, it is possible for as many as 3-4 bucks 2 fight @ once as anything can happen during rut. I’ve seen 2 extremely large (150-170) Kansas bucks tied up, after they were locked together another larger buck (180+) attacked both deer and engaged the fight, puncturing the lung of one & blinding the other, the 2 that were tied up eventually died and the large buck walked away & lived to rut another day…..Remember that in the wild anything is possible because unless you actually are fortunate enough to see it, then how can you argue that it never happened.

  7. […] Everyone finds this so amazing when in reality triple lockups happen quite often.   See this post. […]

  8. fulldraw

    wow. i know im a little late on this but couldn’t help but to throw my two cents in. not a fake. whether they were shot with arrows or bullets, there would be an exit wound on at least one of those deer if that was the case. deer lock like this all the time. and for bob, you obviously know nothing about whitetail. a third buck will not necessarily go for the doe. in some cases, yes. most, no. the male whitetail quite literally loses its mind during the rut. you will see things you have never imagined you would ever see. they do things that get them shot. why do you think most scoring deer are actually taken during the rut? smart deer turn stupid. plain and simple.

  9. Bill

    Suspicious lack of ground damage- it should be all torn up as they struggled.