Whitetail with an Arrow through it’s Head – Painful

Here’s a series of gamecam photos of a young whitetail deer with an arrow piercing it’s head.  Ouch.

Deer with Arrow through its Head
Can you make out the arrow?
Deer with Arrow through its Head
Notice the arrow through its head?
Deer with Arrow through its Head
Now you can make out the blood on its neck


11 responses to “Whitetail with an Arrow through it’s Head – Painful”

  1. Tim Lebsack

    I’m not a veterinarian but I’ll speculate that anyone seeing this deer should harvest it.

  2. chad g

    This is a pefect example of a head shot gone wrong, If you plan on taking a shot like this you better know you can follow through with it. A direct head shot with a bow is near impossible and likely result in this. Hopefully someone will take this deer and relieve her on the pain she is in.

  3. JM

    Unethical F!!!s

  4. hunter

    if anyone can tell this is not an arrow it is a crossbow bolt, and also looks like the deer has gone blind in its right eye due to injuries

  5. Tim W.

    I’d have to agree with Hunter. That is a crossbow bolt.

  6. I agree with Tim L. If you come across this you should put that poor thing out of his misery. Poor Doe

  7. Hunter

    I agree with The other Hunter it is a crossbow bolt and too Katie A and Tim L its a gamecam photo not someone taking a picture of it!

  8. Lol! That’s funny! Hahahahahhaha!!!! I don’t care who you are. That’s hilarious! (:

  9. Bigfoot is NO Myth!!

    Yep…..in all my years of experience Bigfoot was definetaly at hand here

  10. […] and third pics the arrow enters the head at damn near the same place as the pic the OP posted. https://outdooroddities.com/outdooroddities.com/2009/…-head-painful/ Yeah, I know… stupid question. He wouldn't have posted a pic like this bragging about it. Or […]

  11. Lobi

    Two things come to mind..

    Yes, a crossbow bolt for sure. First thought is that any idiot can now bow hunt and the crossbow hunter that would take this shot is an idiot.

    Second, those stupid war/killing video games give bonuses for head shots. A dollar to a donut the idiot shootwe plays video games.

    Very sad. This photo is bad for the sport of hunting