Seems like the only good snake is a dead snake. I don’t agree with killing them “just ‘cuz”. I’m a kill it to eat it kind of guy. However, I don’t like them anymore than the next guy and hope I never have a surprise encounter with one of the dastardly buggers. Frightening.
This came to me via email with this back story:
“Some guys on a deer lease found these in an old storm shelter; they went in with flashlights, pitch forks, axe handle and a “T”post . . . there were more that they couldn’t get to.
My weapon of choice would have been five gallons of gas and a match.”

13 responses to “More crazy photos of Diamond Back Rattlesnakes”
Wow, that’s a pile! A headless rattler is a pretty sight- Ten headless rattlers is even better!
I was camping this past weekend and got to talking to this hippie kid from San Francisco and he said “Maybe rattle snakes are not as dangerous as people believe.”
…I wanted to slap him.
Great pictures!
Wow what a bunch of redneck retards. There was absolutely no reason to kill them. This just goes to show how stupid people can really be and just how uneducated we as a species are. Hope someone from this “expedition” gets bitten in the future.
Wow what a waste of life. Really goes to show how the uneducated rednecks on this planet are messing everything up.
Ignorant? Have you ever eaten rattlesnake? Thats a nice pile of meat waiting for human consumption. 🙂
If you kill it. EAT IT!
im glad you killed them!!!!!!! The idiots are the ones writing why did you kill them. A bunch of tree hugging hippies! I kill every snake i see. Keep up the good work Rednecks.
Rattlesnakes that threaten herd and farm animals need to be killed. I just killed a baby tonight that was near my baby pygmy show goats.
Those that say that they shouldn’t be killed need a reality check. Wake up people, snakes that are non-poisonous are okay, it’s the ones that kill animals with one strike that I will kill in a heartbeat.
Funny how the libs who have no idea what a poisonous snake can do will post an ignorant comment as such. There is a difference between farm/herd animals and dangerous wildlife. While I wouldn’t kill one of my 4H animals, I have no problem killing any animal that would threaten them.
You who say that snakes should be killed (venomous or not) deserve no attention. people are very ignorant. If a rattlesnake or anysnake actually decideds to stand his ground against a person (unlikely but it does happen from time to time). well than move, he was obviously there first. Peoples stupidity is the only thing that doesn’t surprise me when it comes to nature any more. And Tom your a f’ing idiot. How many times have you been bit by a poisonous snake, or even seen it? Some poisonous snakes could bite you 15x and you wouldn’t need anything more than some anti-itch cream & others will kill you in hours. It’s not a cut and dry situation you moron. And even the dangerous ones can still be worked with and worked around to where you don’t have to kill them for your stupid goats, which by the way serve no purpose but to landscape natures lawns & feed predators. It’s you who needs a reality check. And non poisonous snakes kill animals in one strike too retard, they just squeeze the life out of them. After working with large pythons & boas, trust me i’ll take the quick acting neuro-toxin over the bone crushing suffocation any day assclown. Anyhow i’m out you fucking idiots go on & kill more rattlesnakes to try to beef up your shallow mindset of how to be “manly”, and i’ll just forget any of you are wasting our valuable air & water. (those of you who can tell the difference between a diamondback & a black tail and kill the occasional snake legally for hunting / eating purposes can ignore this for the most part I’m referring to the idiots killing them out of ignorance & amusement.)
Okay KickAzz….you’re entitled to your opinion just as much as anyone else. I have a pet snake and I have plenty of harmless snakes in my yard that are more than welcome to stay. When I see a diamondback, even a baby, in my yard…it’s gotta go. My kids play out there. These snakes are aggressive and can strike effectively up to 1/3 of their body length. That’s enough to be dangerous, and therefore, not welcome. And yes, adults rarely die from a snake bite because anti-venom is available in hospitals for snakes that are indigenous to your area. Not all children are that lucky. And FYI…snakes are not poisonous, they are venomous.
okay to all you people saying oh just walk away or work around them, ARE YOU SERIOUS!first off work around them is that even possible with out getting bit and as for walking away i’m all for that if you can get away safely with out the snake lunging at you. and by the way mr. he was there first so you leave, i’m sure most of the time people or not going out and looking to have a stand off with a snake, retard. most people get caught off guard what do you have to say to that, let me guess your fault for being in there home, oh yeah well what if their in MY home (backyard or even in my garage) is it then okay if i end it, since you guys seem to be sooooooooo okay with a snake ending a human and your simple response is will you were in his home so with that stupid logic if a snake comes to my home i have every right to end it, right? plus if you feel threatened i feel you have every right to defend you and your loved ones…. and yes your lively hood even if that is stupid goats how people make a living is there deal.
Rattle snakes are very much over populated right now with the drought we are xperiencing. They are very dangerous to our livestock, pets and us. There is nothing wrong with hunting them as long as they are a serious threat and you throw them in a pot of stew. The jack wagon saying that you hope one of us get bit, how’d you like it if we said that to you. At least those of us who hunt for our food aren’t cowards that spend way too much in the grocery store.
Everyone has there own opinion and are entitled to it, but lets look at it this way,if I put a pic of a pile of dead dogs I killed with a t post on the web id catch hell from everyone, yet dogs injure and kill more children and livestock than any rattlers and as far as keeping them away from other animals and kids I completely agree and I think the snakes do too,i own several venomous snakes myself that if handled properly and respected are safe animals,