Very nice 8 Point taken near Giddings, Texas

Here is a photo taken of a very nice 8 point white tail.  This was reportedly taken near Giddings, Texas.

Nice 8 Point Taken Near Giddings, Texas
Nice 8 Point Taken Near Giddings, Texas

Here’s some more information on this animal.

These guy’s are keeping an eye on it, too.


One response to “Very nice 8 Point taken near Giddings, Texas”

  1. Unless the deer is on the move or over about 200 lbs and over 150 yards, I think that the 100g .243 is a superb ccihoe, even out of the 15″ bbl. I have zero personal knowledge about handgun pistol scopes, but that’s only because I live in a land where rifles are allowed. When I handgun hunt, I use iron sights and a field holster. But I understand why you’re doing this silly thing, and it makes since. (So, by definition, it’s not silly.)Oh wait– Dad’s Savage Scout has a Leupold intermediate eye relief on it, so I guess I’ve used ONE pistol scope.