NASCAR Coyote Collision

Joe Gibbs’ Racing driver Brad Coleman was testing a Gibbs NASCAR Sprint Cup Series car at Toyota Arizona Proving Grounds earlier this week when he ran into a coyote on the track.

Coyote and NASCAR don't mix.
Coyote and NASCAR don't mix.

Read about it here.


6 responses to “NASCAR Coyote Collision”

  1. Bill

    “I noticed she started to run a little loose around turn 2 and she had a wicked shimmy in the wheel”, lol.

  2. jcnsdfnojk

    Ouch! Well thats one way to save on taxidermy prices!

  3. jcnsdfnojk

    Well that is one way to save on taxidermy prices!

  4. Rob

    I’ve heard of “putting a tiger in your tank”, but I,ve never heard (or seen). “Put a coyote in your grill”! Showoffs…..

  5. KO

    Hmmm how come all the bubbas in NASCAR are’nt doing this ?

  6. brdonaldson

    Sure beats the longhorns hood ornament!