Humongous Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

I wonder if your snake-proof boots would stop a monster western diamondback rattlesnake of this size.  Something tells me, no.   This sucker would probably strike you in the thigh. I wonder how many wouldn’t wet their pants when running across this giant. Seems I recall that you can tell the age (in years?) of a rattle snake by counting the number of rattle segment on it’s tail — something related to how many times it sheds its skin. Any herpetologists out there? I count 14 segments. Very impressive, no doubt.

I hope the hunter had the common courtesy of mounting its hide and consuming its flesh after killing such a beautiful specimen.


Maybe it's just perspective?  Paralax from the camera lens?
Maybe it's just perspective? Paralax from the camera lens?

Maybe it’s blown out of proportion due to the camera lens.  Kind of like when you catch a fish and you want your picture taken.  You hold the fish as far out in fron of you as possible to make it look bigger.  I’ve heard that, anyway.  Ahem.

Maybe he’s holding it that far out in front of becuase he’s not 100% convinved it’s dead…


51 responses to “Humongous Western Diamondback Rattlesnake”

  1. Dazdcatcher

    Ummm did anyone really take a good look at that snake especially the head and use bubba in the back ground as a reference on the size? 1 the snakes eyes look rubber and the head is not proportionate to the body. Its too big. 2 if you use bubba as a reference for the length, it would make that snake out to be pushing 11 – 12 feet long. I don’t think so. I think its either fake or its photo shopped. The biggest western on record is around 6 feet. Half the size of that snake.
    If this has already been noticed I’m sorry but I didn’t want to read all the posts because this is just ridiculous.