Game Cam Photo of Mountain Lion Taking a Whitetail Deer

Wow!  I love gamecam photos.  Mostly boring stuff but occasionally something dramatic happens.

Case in point:

Dramatic moment of a Mountain Lion taking a Whitetail Deer
Dramatic moment of a Mountain Lion taking a Whitetail Deer

I have no backstory on this one.  It just showed up in my email inbox.  Let me know if you know where  or when this was taken.


66 responses to “Game Cam Photo of Mountain Lion Taking a Whitetail Deer”

  1. Jeremy

    I also received this picture in an email…the email stated that this was taken in Hagerman Wildlife Refuge near Lake Texoma Texas.

  2. Linda

    I received the email too. Supposedly the picture was taken at Uvalde Texas.

  3. Cheri

    We received this too and was told that it came from a game camera on a ranch in Uvalde, TX (we live 45 minutes from there).

  4. Deanna

    I got it in an email claiming it was from north alabama

  5. michelle

    I heard it was taken in Walnut grove Alabama. It was sent to me by the man whos trail cam caught this picture.

  6. admin


  7. could you tell me where this happend at?

  8. michelle

    i cant say where it was exactly all i can say is that it was in walnut grove alabama sorry…..

  9. ricky

    people where telling me it happened by the flint river in thomaston Georgia

  10. have heard it was taken in missouri

  11. billy joe

    nope it was taken by britt copper in kite, ga

  12. Renea

    Seems to me that everyone is claiming this one, cuz I got it today and was told it was from Milledgeville, Ga. Someone really needs to own up for real…cuz this is a great shot.

  13. renea

    Seems everyone is claiming this one. I got it to day and was told it was in Milledgeville, Ga. Someone should really own up for real cuz this is a great shot.

  14. Aaron

    Someone told me it was taken in North Carolina. Everyone has this pic one there phone and its being sent around. And everyone up here in western North Carolina is claiming its off their deer cam.

  15. admin

    Wow! Sounds like a popular pic.

  16. DCheyney

    The photo was taken on 2/15/09. Go to I also heard it was from missouri but the sequence on that site clearly shows mesquite brush in the backgroun, as well as hard pan sandy soil. Look and decide for yourself.

  17. Hmmm….not sure I am following this m Photo of Mountain Lion Taking a Whitetail Deer | Outdoor Oddities thread very well.

  18. Megan

    I got it on my phone and was told that my friends dads friend got it on his game cam in coshocton county ohio. I dont really believe them now.

  19. Sam

    I’m from Northern New Jersey and people are claiming it was in their backyards. Ha!

  20. Robert Bishop

    This is a great photo. My boyfriend said it was taken here in Laguna Beach, CA.

  21. Brandon

    It’s from Texas- that’s official from the Mountain Lion Foundation. Some of you need to be better informed- there are no mountain lions in Georgia, Alabama, New Jersey, Ohio, North Carolina or Missouri…as they went extinct in each of these places nearly a century ago, their eastern-most distribution currently is Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, along with the entire west coast up to the southern tip of Alaska and nearly all of Mexico, Central and South America. What’s even more humorous is that Laguna Beach, CA could have happened (they exist all over California.) You may have heard “stories” of mountain lions in the aforementioned places, but these are not true and mountain lions haven’t been officially confirmed anywhere east of Texas (other than in southern Florida, where a separate population exists) in nearly 80 years.

  22. mr

    i got it on my phone and it said batavia ny.. what a bunch of losers people can be

  23. dk

    Just to let you know. has it as it came from Hope, ND. 35 mi NW of Fargo, ND

  24. andrea

    Don’t people have anything better to do?

  25. Sharon

    To Brandon in regard to his post on 9/30/2009

    Re-check your facts. There are in fact quite a few CONFIRMED mountain lion sightings in the East including the states of Maine, NY(report from a DEC officer and a police officer), Mass, as well as in Quebec,Gaspre, and New Brunswick Canada. Although these states have not yet proven sustainable, breeding populations, they are getting quite a few sightings, some of which have been confirmed.

    The pic being discussed, was taken in Texas. Look closely at the vegetation in the background, and you will quickly see that those claiming it to be from the northeast, or southeasat are definately mistaken.

  26. My uncle sent me this picture. He said one of his close friends, who is in avid hunter in Pennsylvania, took this picture w/ one of his hunting cameras. We live in NJ. I posted this pic on Facebook a week or two ago as soon as he showed me. Questions/Comments? Call me.
    Shane – 973 479 1299.

  27. abby

    Wow, ev eryone in ND is saying it was taken by New Salem ND….lots of lion activity around here these last few years

  28. […] Game Cam Photo of Mountain Lion Taking a Whitetail Deer | Outdoor Oddities […]

  29. Are you Kidding me Shane?

    Hey Shane Sanders,

    Your Uncle’s close friend is telling stories man. Check out the site below that has ALL of the pictures. You can EASILY see that it’s taken in a desert due to the sand and mesquite. Ask your Uncle’s close friend where there is a desert in PA and mesquite brush, because i would love to buy a house there to get out out of the nasty PA winters. It amazes me how people actually believe other people’s nonsense before verifying that the information is correct.

  30. Are you Kidding me Shane?

    One more thing, my Uncle’s best friend’s neighbor is the Easter Bunny. True story!

  31. justin walters

    photoshop? no blood… i know i know broken neck rite. no drag marks? look where the mt. lions face is in relation to the bucks. the mt. lion would have to be dragging him by the lip…. just sayin it would be super easy to do

  32. Dustin Biery

    There are several other states that haven’t been listed on this topic, but there are several states who have “un-proven” animals, according to their wildlife departments, even though there have been numerous sightings in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. I have talked with a Arkansas Game and Fish commission, who say there aren’t any natural breeding animals here. This doesn’t clarify on the fact that the National Forrestry service is trading animals with other locations. I do know for a fact that they are doing this, as it came directly from a Forresty officer. So just because all the states that deny them can continue to deny because they will not do any kind of studies to prove it for certain one way or the other.

  33. steph


  34. Brad

    Haha, I heard this came from Indiana. Rush County to be exact. I have a good friend who is a conservation officer. He says that Indiana has about 15-20 mountain lion sightings every year, mostly southern though. We even had a school in Cass County shut down for a few days because of so many reports of a mountain lion in the area. My dad was the principle, now retired, who closed the school for two days because so many parents were threatening to keep their kids home becuase they didn’t want them outside walking to and from school until the Mountain Lion issue was resolved!

  35. mic

    Everyone is claiming to know things about pictures that they know nothing about. Liars, or wannabe liars.

    I guess I should say that this picture was taken in Washington, DC. near Potomac, Great Falls and GW Parkway. After all there are a lot of big deer there so it must be true.

  36. eugene

    this was sent to my brother in laws cell phone and it was suppose
    to have been taken in daviess county indiana

  37. Cody

    I can solve this dispute. This picture is real, but it was taken in deep south texas. A friend of mine is on the lease where this picture was taken. If someone wants proof of this they can email me at I have the full series of pictures, alond with pictures during the day of the same feed showing the huge drag marks in the dirt. Another thing during the daylight pictures is all of the prickly pear cactus and mesquite trees in the background. I dont think there are any of those in indiana. Another site says it’s in PA. It’s amazing what people dream up. What I dont understand is what people get from lying about such stupid stuff. It takes a very awesome picture of a lion in south texas and turns it into a lie in the rest of the world.

  38. brandon doesnt know as much as he thinks

    you sure did list a lot of facts in your discovery channel post there. A lot of facts that are b.s. Correct about florida, but thats because Roy McBride has been catching them in west texas and turning them looses there. But Maine and New York both have mountain lions there. Oklahoma has a few lions as well. It is true that 99 percent of the people that say they saw a lion are full of crap, but dont say they dont exist. And also just FYI a male mountain lion has a range from 70-100 miles with a female having about half that. So just remember that cats cant read state lines, and if there is one in florida he can travel 100 miles in either direction. Many cases where Roy McBride turns them loose, that would put them over the state line.

  39. tooshort

    I hear that it was in nebraska and south dokota.

  40. Larry Andrews

    Looks like a typical West Texas feeder lot sandy soil & all.Looks like a desert location. Don’t recall any deserts (except JELLO in Genesee County, NY)Looks bogus !

  41. Calamity

    Wow, this cat sure gets around! I’m from Wisconsin & we’re getting this picture here with a note that the picture was taken in Mt. Horeb, WI. Thought it was a great picture. We do have cougars in our area, our neighbor, has a picture he took of a cougar drinking milk out of his cats’ pan, in his dairy barn. The barn was empty at the time, he was just leaving for his shift as a county cop. A couple of farmers near us have lost cattle that were fenced in, guess the cat can’t tell the difference between a calf & a deer, and the fence makes it easy for the cat & hard for the livestock. The picture is interesting, I guess I don’t really care where it was taken. If you Google mountain lion with deer picture, you will see that lots of people are saying they took the picture first.

  42. Laine

    We had the picture curculating our inboxes via text saying it was from Waterloo, Al. Yesterday my husband was shown an Alabama Outdoors magazine (not sure if it was a new issue) with this picture. The article said it was not Alabama but Marion, TX. Needless to say we had to send text to everyone we had forwarded this pic too and tell them it wasn’t true 🙁
    Florence, AL

  43. Timothy Hoover

    The picture was taken in Ola, Arkansas. The guy that the picture came from is one of my cousin’s co workers. If you would like to see more pictures i can get a hold of him to put on here.

  44. admin

    Yes, please. Send more photos. I’ll add them here. Thanks.

  45. Ozzie

    I shot that mountain lion three weeks ago on my ranch in Montague County, Texas. I have lots of pics of that beast.

  46. admin

    Please send them. I’ll post them here for all to enjoy.

  47. Paige

    You guy’s this was taken in m,y backyard in West virginia,,,he is my pet cat and he was eating his breakfast…

  48. Craig

    OK – Here’s the real story. I took that picture 2 years ago while on vacation in Hawaii. I was sitting on the beach and damned if that mountain lion din’t walk by with a deer in its mouth. What a vacation

  49. mack
