Odd Story of an Auto-Deer Collision

When it is time to turn in one’s license!!!!!!!!

An old man and woman were on the way to Greenville, NC and stopped at McDonalds in Farmville just off of 264 East bypass last Saturday (When?) and did not know that they hit this deer!!

Someone in McDonalds had to tell them.

The old man said he noticed that the car was starting to run a little hot the last few miles.

Ouch.  And they kept driving!
Ouch. And they kept driving!


11 responses to “Odd Story of an Auto-Deer Collision”

  1. I don’t buy what you just said.

  2. redheadedgirl

    This photo is so staged…

  3. GSPKurt


  4. Katrina

    Oh wow, if this is real then how the hell could they miss that!? lmao

  5. Katrina

    Poor thing :/

  6. steph


  7. fishbear

    nifty ! musta hit the lil feller pulling into the parking lot !! not even skinned up !

  8. hunter

    hey look it said the deer was hit in north carolina but the liscense plate says virgina just show how much we can depend on the info it just gave us

  9. i have a passion on anything that is automotive related. i love to attend car shows too :..

  10. Ken

    @hunter you do realize it said they were HEADED to North Caroline, right? Derp.

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