I love whitetail deer. They are beautiful animals. Their tale of survival and adaptation as a species is fascinating. They inhabit nearly every county in the US. They’ve adapted to humans and the changes humans have made to the environment and landscape.
Here’s a picture that I received recently of a magnificent Whitetail Buck snapped near Interstate 10 and Callahan road in San Antonio, Texas.
8 responses to “Monster Buck Seen in San Antonio, Texas”
Nice size deer! I love how you integrated the map to show its location.
why can’t i see something like this in the woods when i hunt
I was just in San Antonio in November… I was on a hunting trip 2 hours out of it at the Burr Ranch…
It never ceases to amaze me how many world class bucks Texas can come up with, when it is so wide open and all there is to eat is cactus and corn 😀
why would anyone want to shoot such a beautiful creature? i’d like to hunt you redneck murderers down…
Dan you are simply clueless. You do realize that up intil very recently in the history of man, that HUNTING was necessary to survive? Millions of people throughout the world still HUNT for survival. Who knows, the way things are going in the world lately….you might find the need to hunt something besides rednecks like us.
I agree, Dan is simply clueless. He should be referred to the 2005 study commissioned by the Federal USA Government, “The Cost Of Loosing Hunting and Trapping AS A Wildlife Management Tool”, 54 pages that Dan (and all other so-called nature-lovers and such wildlife societies) should read and acknowledge! Or is there too much money and jobs they take advantage of in those so-called animal rights societies? Using Hunting and Trapping as a wildlife management tool, utilizing the game and furs, is the only sensible solution to wildlife overpopulation and damage, and it is very much in the Best Interests of the USA. Some would say, “Dan read the Federal document, study it, and then please shut up”. I however, am just saying, “Please read and understand the consequences of your apparent lack of being informed I think.” Thank you for allowing me to comment. Jerry
The correct title of that Federal Fish and Wildlife study, is, “POTENTIAL COSTS OF LOOSING HUNTING AND TRAPPING AS A WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT TOOL”. And it was completed in 2004 (not 3005 as I intitially state). Thank you for allowing me to submit these clarifications. Jerry
As far as Dan being clueless, check out this on the Internet: “Potential Costs of Loosing Hunting And Trapping As A Wildlife Managemant Tool”, document dated 2004 commissioned by the USA Fish and Wildlife Management divisions. Property-damage would be vast over a multitude of areas, and a wasted renewable resource (wildlife-game) that could is conservatively utilized for food, nutrution, furs (clothing), and so much more, would suffer far-greater consequences if Dan’s ill-founded suggestions were put into power. Please all sensible Americans, know this and understand, promote the continuation of responsible, legal, hunting and trapping by the citizens interested in doing so. And thank you for the opportunity to comment further. Responses welcomed. Sincerely, Jerry