Ram hit by a new Chevrolet Pickup Truck

This puts a new spin on the old Ram vs Chevy argument.

Ram hit by a new Chevrolet pickup truck
Ram hit by a new Chevrolet pickup truck
Ram hit by a new Chevrolet pickup truck.  Poor thing never had a chance.
Ram hit by a new Chevrolet pickup truck. Poor thing never had a chance.

Just goes to show the kind of damage running into a large animal can cause a vehicle.

For a much more graphic depiction, view this.  Caution, this is not for the week of stomach.



15 responses to “Ram hit by a new Chevrolet Pickup Truck”

  1. Good point! Thanks!

  2. steph


  3. jcnsdfnojk

    Love the vid!!!!!!!

  4. Twitchy

    boom! headshot 😛 hehehe

  5. deerslayer

    i cant stop laughing!!!!!! i keep replaying the deer practicaly exploding!!! is that a bad thing? lol

  6. unkown

    holy sh….t that was awsome

  7. […] between PU truck and Ram. Ram hit by a new Chevrolet Pickup Truck | Outdoor Oddities __________________ Good Scanning Hser […]

  8. Bettina

    good lord!!!! please tell me the meat didn’t spoil and was harvested!!!!!!!!! cheers to chili!!!!

  9. Anthony

    The video was amazing

  10. ann

    i hate ppl like this, they enjoy the pain of the animals and they even took pictures of the big disaster they caused its a shame, poor ignorant and ungrateful bitches.

  11. Isaac

    Ram beats Chevy… haha. But on a real note, new trucks (any make) ain’t like they used to be, back then, the ram would’ve been the one busted up.

  12. William

    Hopefully this will help prevent drivers from speeding and proceed with caution. That’s an amazing looking ram which I would love to see out in the wild.

  13. JohnnyWalker

    That ram still looks good enough to mount.

  14. Wtd

    You fuckers are so disgusting. Poor animal never deserved this, know that god is watching and will take action accordinly due to your sins.

    Although im sure if it was a dog, then you fuckers would cry like a little bitch you came from the womb ^ _ ^

  15. NJ

    I cant stop crying😭😭 poor animals… fated to be killed by an as*hole!