Look at what James Snipe hit with his car on county road 328 north of Swenson Texas in Stonewall County. The lion was still alive but unable to move, so our neighbor called animal control and they came and put him down. A land owner had seen this one a week before dragging off a 320 lb steer. Our neighbor is an amateur taxidermist and he’s going to stuff him. This one weighed 260 lbs. while most mature males mountain lions weigh 80 to 150 lbs. We had no idea they still roamed around here!

But wait! This may not be an oddity so much as a hoax. Check this out.
The truth:
The mountain lion displayed above was hit by a Ford F350 truck on Highway 64 in northern Arizona (about halfway between Williams and Valle) in November or December 2007. The couple driving the truck pulled over and found the lion under a tree, still alive but beyond rehabilitation, so they called 911 and ultimately an officer from the state’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) was sent to put the big cat down.
Although the large mountain lion was not weighed at the scene, it took three men to lift the animal, whose weight was estimated by those present at about 200-220 pounds. (Adult male mountain lions typically weigh in the range of 80 to 150 pounds). The animal’s paw was about 8 inches across, and the lion measured over 7 feet from head to tail.
Jason Ellico, the DPS officer who responded to the call, also happens to be a taxidermist and offered to skin the lion. It is he who is shown posing with the lion in the pictures above.
Snopes has a good explanation on the truth of this but, wow.
11 responses to “Huge Cat (Mountain Lion) killed near Swensen, Texas”
just got an email about three mountain lions, together, posing around a red car in the snow. some say it was local (NY catskill region). If anyone knows of the photos and their origin i am interested…
Same story in WV… Check out this site…
fucking coward! I will like to hunting you ! no guns, just with my hands pussy old coward
I was hunting one day and found myself a lion eating a deer.Stupid lions i probably could have shot that deer to because it was not dead long when we seen the lion
that year i did not kill anything. we paid sharp attention though incase we seen it again. We did not
I’m offering a $300 reward to anyone who kills a mountain lion west of Denison TX. This lion so far as jumped my fence and killed/carried away two of my pet dogs and a kitten. My place is out of the city limits.
This reward is for the lion… not a coyote or bobcat… I just want that lion killed.
L. Key
Fucking prick I hope a lion fucks you up
I want to come over to your house and shoot you nobhead
the article makes an incorrect statement of facts concerning the size of male MTN. Lions. It states that an adult male is typically 80 – 150 lbs. but that is a typical female range. An adult male can reach around 180 – 220, even upwards of 250 lbs.
Just thought i should share
wtf thats mean
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There was a cat bigger than the one pictured killed near Swenson. The cat usually roamed between the Flowers ranch and the Double Mountain area I saw his tracks once. Later I saw him on the Flowers. He was killed about two years later.