How to transport a calf

I’m not so sure about how “odd” this really is but, it is pretty interesting and borderline hillarious.  This came to me via email without any back story.  If you know the details, please let me know and I’ll share them on this dite.

OK, definitely odd.

Man on a bicycle carrying a calf
Man on a bicycle carrying a calf


3 responses to “How to transport a calf”

  1. look closely at the muzzle, the ears, and the tail. that is a dead doe, not a calf.

  2. jodysbabiie25

    Uh, that seems to be a dead whitetail doe. Are people really that stupid?

  3. ZACKARY wolf

    Yep intelligence something most people nowadays need to get that’s a doe not a calf but that is an odd way to transport a doe