Million Dollar Buck Named “Stickers”

I found this in my email in box a day or so ago. Apparently, Stickers is quite the rage. He’s none too camera shy. Check out the story at the Lone Star Outdoor News and then come back to see all the photos of this magnificent animal.

Massive rack on a Million Dollar Buck Named \"Stickers\"

Massive rack on a Million Dollar Buck Named \"Stickers\"

Massive rack on a Million Dollar Buck Named \"Stickers\"

Massive rack on a Million Dollar Buck Named \"Stickers\"


8 responses to “Million Dollar Buck Named “Stickers””

  1. ryan greewood

    I would not give u a dime for this deer!! ryan greenwood

  2. kyle gagne

    how do you get that that deer is worth 1 million dollars i could go to any state in the u.s and shoot a 170 class deer in no fense and be happyer then shooting that deer in a fense!!!!!!!

  3. J.J.

    There is no deer worth a million. Neither is this the original “Stickers”. He is merely a product of selective scientific reproduction. A scientific deer if you will. The first Stickers was a fair game deer in the 1980s in Lerado. Everyone now names large antlered deer with abnormal kickers, droptines, and spurrs after him. None have or likely will ever ammount to the origional “Stickers”. Yes this is a large deer and I would love to mount him on my wall, but in reality all I would be paying for is the tag in his ear.


  4. admin

    Amen, brother.

  5. its not worth a million to shoot the deer… its for the genetics of that monster buck for your property. think about it…

  6. Dillon Tedrick

    I would have a heart attack if I saw this buck walk by my stand

  7. Larry K

    Stickers isn’t worht what Sammy payed for him, but when you sell each straw for $15,000 he becomes worth the money and more. I’d rathe rown a maxbo series myself. Texas Buck breeding is a top dollar industry, and Sammy Nooner is a great in the industry

  8. this deer is purely a breeder buck that is why it is worth a million so that breeders can sell straws and cross breed with other big bucks to improve genetics. This deer is not for sale to shoot which is why it is in a pen only for breeding purposes