I love the internet.
Here’s a picture of the new world record whitetail. It was taken by the cousin of a co -worker’s sister’s, uncle’s, best friend’s, son-in-law’s cousin.
Reportedly it will score 603 1/8 by B&C standard and was shot in West Texas.
Supposedly, this deer had killed a bull, two landrovers and six hunters in the last two weeks alone. They said he was in a fierce fight with Bigfoot when he was shot.
29 responses to “Monster Trophy Buck with Huge Rack”
nice photoshop job
You’re full of shit!!!!!!!
You/re full of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just like fred bob and bobby joe said full of shit !!!!!!!!!!!!! we wish they were that big!!!!!!!!!
i have figured this out there elk antlers.if you put them on oppisite side facing up they truth will be revealed pass this on!!!!
hahahahahahahahaha this is funny!! he was shot while fighting with bigfoot lol
Totally full of SHIT, not even good use of Photoshop and if you look carefully its the same Elk antler just a mirror copy for the other side…..totally lame.
just shows that a loser cant shoot a big deer so he fakes it or wants to get media attention
It’s obviously fake, it’s a joke.
fake as shit
wow you guys are dumb it says its just a joke u dumb ass
Yeah. And those aren’t effing elk antlers! Have you ever seen an elk? they are enlarged non-typical whitetail antlers
Lol ur an idiot hahaha
Fake as shit don’t even look real you dumb baster
Fake as shit don’t even look real stupid
there is know way that this buck is real.
obviously not elk antlers… ive never herd of a 27 point elk… haha and its a joke you immature computer nerds… go outside and actually hunt for once befeore you talk shit
“It was taken by the cousin of a co -worker’s sister’s, uncle’s, best friend’s, son-in-law’s cousin” ROFL! Great JOKE photo. Not sure why so many here are so mad at you. It’s a good joke. I looked all over the Internet for this photo after someone posted it on their website. They didn’t include your caption, so I had to find out for myself if it was real, and it’s obviously NOT from your funny into…
If you read the bio you wouldn’t be ranting. This joke is epically hilarious!!!!!! The rack is entirely photoshopped silly gooses definitely not an elks antlers. XD This deer was currently in a fight with big foot when it was shot XDXD lulz
I’ve noticed that ones that are real pissed about this “joke” photo are also the people that can’t spell….
Good photo beast killer!
f this
idiot..this isn’t even funny
Fake, but convinced me for a second or two…the antlers are so large, anyway, it wouldn’t have been much sport if the deer couldn’t lift his head to run away! Would’ve been more convincing if they were smaller.
(Also, for those who are saying the antlers were mirrored in Photoshop, they clearly weren’t. Compare the tines of the antlers at the bottom; they are NOT the same! The long one on the right looks like it would’ve killed the deer by piercing its side!)
that is a bunch of messed up bullshit
ur full of shit u son of a b-n-w…. btw, where did u learn how to photoshop pics like that??? nice try, but hunters, and even ordinary people KNOW the difference between fantasy, in ur dreams deer, and real, actual deer. dumb asses these days 😛 cant handle them anymore
The comments here are as funny as the original spoof — a very obvious joke. All these cretins kick up dust and shoot their figurative middle fingers in the air. Government school graduates are a riot.
Still, most hunters today are as hunters have always been…out there for the fun, cameraderie, and venison, not for bragging-rights antlers.
is it real