Wolf Pack Kills a Moose

Here are some incredible pictures of a wolf pack on the hunt of a full grown Moose. The pictures came to me with a description that the pictures were taken from a tree stand. As usual, the truth is a little different. I did a little research and found what looks to be the true story behind these spectacular outdoor photos.

Here’s the google map of the location in the story.

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Wolf Pack Kills a Moose

Wolf Pack Kills a Moose

Wolf Pack Kills a Moose

Wolf Pack Kills a Moose


8 responses to “Wolf Pack Kills a Moose”

  1. Timothy Daniel

    I like the pics they display realisme and show the harshness beauty of nature

  2. very nice photo shoot.. wished you made a video capture aswell…

  3. Wow! Pretty incredible. Great pics

  4. ycube

    Pics That Amaze Me: Original Wildlife & Nature

  5. Canada Man

    I bet those wolves are canadian cuz only canadian wolves could something that big

  6. ArticWolf

    well…where do you think Moose are found ..not in the southern states..only close to the Canadian border [in Wisconsin, Michigan as an example]..or in Canada..

    Nature is not cruel for she said..”Only the fittest will survive”..and wolves are the predators of the weak..which ensures the other species of survival.

  7. Bettina

    dang….i’m hungry….

  8. […] is a great blog post of wolves taking down a moose.  And of course you can see the link to the right for other great posts concerning wolves. Share […]