Yellow Lab (Dog) Jumps Out Of A Moving Car

Funny (?) video clip of a dog jumping out of a moving car. Dogs do the funniest stuff. Labrador’s have never been accused of being the smartest dogs in the world. I get the feeling he won’t attempt that again.

Dog Jumps Put of Moving Car - Ouch


16 responses to “Yellow Lab (Dog) Jumps Out Of A Moving Car”

  1. jon

    its harsh on the dog but still so funny

  2. Nancy Johnson

    No. It’s not funny. I’m more interested in the outcome than the misadventure itself. Was the dog injured? Maybe the pet owner is the one who was dumb. That was like expecting your dog not to eat your cheeseburger if you put it on the coffee table and walk away.

  3. Hey Nancy, the person video taping was paying attention to the dog running with the car. The fact that the lab jumped out of the vehicle so quickly does not show neglect on the owner. Sure it isn’t good for the animal, but if you can’t laugh at that incident then you truly don’t have a sense of humor.

    And judging from your cheeseburger logic, you are saying the driver/owner of the lab purposely made the brindle chase their car. *rolling eyes*

    Take some midol and enjoy a good laugh.

  4. JD

    A well trained dog wouldnt even think of eating a cheeseburger off the table. I know my dog wouldnt. My dog jumped out of my truck once too, and let me tell you she wont ever do that again. She was a little banged up and sore (at 30 mph) but was fine.

  5. Tim

    Nancy is correct. That isn’t funny, when you look at what happened.

    The dog probably died. Did you not see it hit the concrete before it bounced?? If the dog isn’t dead it is injured badly.

    It shows stupidity on the owner’s behalf. Hollywood, maybe you just lack a brain but the dog in the car is obviously going to be wound by the sight of another dog running along side the car. Had the owner been responsible they would have paid more attention to their dog or maybe took some kind of precaution to prevent it from being able to exit through the window.

  6. Tim, arguing over the internet proves one thing….nothing. So I will save my “lack of a brain” for a more intellectual argument.

    The car was probably going 20-30 mph max. The average dog can only run 19 to 25 mph. So let’s go with the worst case scenario: The lab hits the ground rolling at 30 mph. I am willing to bet money that the dog survived with minor injuries. If you are observant you can see the dog rolls back up to its feet at the end. And as JD said, I am also willing to bet the dog won’t do it again.

    I give props to the owner for catching the video on tape and posting it on the internet. And I will continue to laugh every time I see the video.

  7. Richard

    My dog (blue healer) jumped out of the window going about 50 mph she had to be put to sleep.

  8. Dick

    “The fact that the lab jumped out of the vehicle so quickly does not show neglect on the owner.”- Is what “Hollywood” has to say. I say that if the dog got hurt or not, is not the point, the potential for serious harm is always there and if this were a child we were talking about that person would have their child taken away. I think that about says it all. So, if you dont have the same concern for a dog’s well being it shows a very callous attitude and you have one loooong learning curve ahead of you, feel sorry for you buddy.
    Have a Nice Day!

  9. Connor

    That dog died im pretty sure. I’ve read somewhere that it had massive internal bleeding and died on the spot. I could be wrong though. Also the dog didn’t get back on its feet at the end. The dog is still rolling. Theres no way it could get up that fast if it did live. Also I dont know how you could laugh at this. I guess you could if you didn’t have a soul.

  10. Joe

    I have a Rat Terrier that jumped out of my truck 2 days ago while I was going 35 mph. She is 5 and has never done anything like this before. She gave no warning and jumped over my lap while I drove by a farm. She’s a little banged up, but definitley not dead. Yes, I felt horrible about it, but there isn’t much you can do when it’s totally out of character of the dog. You people need to stop being so sheltered. Not everything has to be blamed on someone.

  11. Anony

    thats just f***ed up dude…

  12. Derek

    Tim and Nancy, your arguing over an uncontrollable act. Even if the owner was able catch a sight of the dog and interpret its actions you would have about 3 seconds to act on it. Really that was all the dogs doing. if you cant somehow find some sense of joy from your animal even if that joy is in having a laugh about how it passed away then your a non caring selfless person.

  13. Rick

    hahaha funniest thing in the world! go team TIM!

  14. Ur all cry Babies…..jim

    You people need to get a life and laugh at something funny like this and stop complaining like little 5 year olds…… this is why our economy is the way it is…….LOSERS!!

  15. Ur all cry Babies…..jim

    THIS I FUNNY AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

  16. Ur all cry Babies…..jim

    If u pay any attention to annything you retards see the dog gets up right befor the movie replays.