Game Cam Captures Dramatic Moment of Big Cat Stalking a Deer

Ever been walking through the woods at night and had that sensation that something was following you?

This picture is from Montana, where someone set out a motion sensor game camera to see if any big bucks were passing in the area.

Game Cam Photo of Big Cat Stalking Whitetail Deer


8 responses to “Game Cam Captures Dramatic Moment of Big Cat Stalking a Deer”

  1. Huh… Slightly addled, but on the whole I like this post. You’ve got some fresh ideas. But please, write more lucid.

  2. Heinrich Grammarstein


  3. A.O.G.

    more lucid? cat’s fixing to have dinner how much more real lucid do you need

  4. TIM

    now i know what is follwing me when i am in the woods i will carry a bigger gun fron now on

  5. Blackjaxe

    This game looked really interesting….that was until I tried to sign-up……what a goofy set-up. They ask you to type-in a password then confirm the password then ask where you heard about them, then consent to all terms and then it fails because they want your e-mail address. Problem is there is no place on the sign-up to put your e-mail address. I cannot believe that they actually have anyone playing this game.

  6. T d

    I am so tired of seeing this pic! One site says it is taken in Michigan, another says Ohio, another says Kawartha lakes a little town out side of Toronto Ontario and now this site saying it was taken in Montana, what a joke!

  7. motion sensors are very useful when you want to detect stray animals or burglars on the move’~`

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