Game Cam Photo of Mountain Lion Taking a Whitetail Deer

Wow!  I love gamecam photos.  Mostly boring stuff but occasionally something dramatic happens.

Case in point:

Dramatic moment of a Mountain Lion taking a Whitetail Deer
Dramatic moment of a Mountain Lion taking a Whitetail Deer

I have no backstory on this one.  It just showed up in my email inbox.  Let me know if you know where  or when this was taken.


66 responses to “Game Cam Photo of Mountain Lion Taking a Whitetail Deer”

  1. This picture was in an article in Originally thought to be a fixed up photo, until the trail cam owner summited other photos of the area. This picture was taken in South Texas according to the article. check out the site and google the site itself for the article. As stated by another look at the vegitation this is not PA or NY, I know I live here. There is another one said to be taken in PA of three cats feeding on a deer carcass but again look at vegitation. it is long leaf pines and scrub brush that only grows in the southern states.

  2. Sara Cox

    All these stories r the same..ppl, dnt b so quick 2 believe what u hear! I got this same pic via text…it said it was taken in North crossroads Mississippi & said they released several mnt lions because of the deer population increase & was warning ppl w/children! I knew right away it was BS so thats why i decided 2 research it & why im here…how can sum1 b so quick 2 believe a story cousins friends dads uncles boss got the pic on his deer cam…cummon folks, stop bein so gullible! I believe the stories bout it bein in the huntin magazine more than any other story, so im gonna check that out 1st….b4 u send a text or an email around, check out wether its true 1st & things like this wont happen!! Common sense yall

  3. Sara Cox

    dnt b so quick 2 believe everything u hear ppl..gah, sum of u r soooo gullible! i got the same frm northeast MS! I knew right away it was BS! It said the pick was taken in northcrossroads MS & was warnin ppl w/kids that theyd turned quiet a few mnt lions loose 2 decrease the deer pop…i knew it was bull so i fig id see wat i could find out! i believe the huntin mag stories more than all the others, but because i have common sense, im gonna check it out b4 i send it around as the truth in a text!

  4. To SARA COX

    Check out the story on, It shows the time elapsed photos of the day it happened and the daylight photo shows vegitation that i can tell you is not from PA!! so it is not from my neck of the woods

  5. hunter

    looks like it could have been taken out sothwest like texas, mexico, arizona,etc since the soil is rocky but i dont know but its what i can conclude

  6. Rick


  7. Jay Pena

    The photo was taken in South Texas about 30 miles west of Falfurrias. Terrain is rocky and white tail dear and mountain lion are common.

  8. Jay Pena

    Here is a detailed article and more photos from the same video feed:

  9. admin

    Great article and update. Thanks, Jay!

  10. George

    I was making a delivery at one of my regular stops, up in Tarpley Texas when I saw this picture. And ask when was this taken at,what ranch. The supervisor of that account which is a Baptist retreat center told me, it was taken in a ranch near Tarpley in the Texas hill country.

  11. sledd

    It was taken out side columbia missouri my dads friend was the one who got the pic from his game cam on wensday

  12. unkown

    nature being nature

  13. loaderman09

    I live in West Texas and Mountain Lion are common around here, although I’ve never seen or photo’d one taking a deer I’ve seen many footprints around the deer feeders here.

  14. Justin Metzke

    Got it in northern michigan

  15. jeremy

    There are mountain lions in ks and mo. Argue if you want (Brandon). Seeing is believing. Seen one near alma ks in the flint hills and one near minden mines mo.

  16. Rob G

    It’s a hoax. Zoom into the rear left leg of the lion and you’ll see the lion’s paw through the body of the deer. Somebody out there is getting a lot of laughter out of fooling so many people. I was originally told a friend of my friend’s uncle got this photo on his game cam here in Texas. Unfortunately it’s a photoshop…. Just look closely at the cougar’s left foot.